Daughters of Thine Lesser Evil

Beware the mingling of the light and dark hearts of magic….Daughters of Thine Lesser Evil

Princess Angelterra and her lady knight and trusted friend, Jeela, find they have been whisked off to a faraway land held against their will. With the help of a pair of wizards and a revered monk, the two women attempt a daring escape only to find their way blocked by a powerful general in Sorcerer Shutharja’s dark army in the middle of a desolate place known as Devil’s Forest. If she is to survive, Angelterra must call upon her still maturing magic to drive back this new threat. All the while, the Princess of Palzintine continues her relentless pursuit for clues to solving the riddle revealed to her in the “Vision Dream”. Finding a way to save her homeland before the rest of the kingdoms surrounding the Imperial Sea fall to the sorcerer’s army weighs heavily upon her mind and heart. Angelterra firmly believes that the message of the dream contains the key to her destiny of winning the war and saving her people.

This second installment of the Vision Dream Series also follows the exploits of several groups of Angelterra’s allies spread out all over this world as they each attempt to do their part in pushing back against Shutharja…

-From the struggles of two awkward teens who must unleash the true power of an ancient spell by tapping into their budding love for one another… 

-To Angelterra’s childhood love who must sail his tiny three-ship armada directly into the heart of the enemy’s massive fleet on a suicide mission to destroy the world’s most unholy relic… 

-To three young healers pressed into service who find themselves with a diversionary force deep behind enemy lines. Each of them tries desperately to stay alive as they rush headlong into battle… 

-To a young captain who is imprisoned after stumbling upon a traitorous plot. He must rely on a haunting, deformed girl with lovely green eyes and a surprising secret to help him expose the perpetrator…or die trying. 

-To an expert archer who finds himself wooing a woman from a culture he despises. He disappears without a word on a dangerous secret mission, leaving her worrying about his fate. Will she take matters into her own hands?

Get this epic fantasy today! It’s like getting several books for the price of one!

Part Two of the Vision Dream Series by Robert Clifton Storey Jr.

Fantasy, epic, dragons, wizards, sorcerer, sorceress, princess, knight, flight, vessel, evil, medieval, dark ages, lord, robert clifton Storey jr, Part One: Flight of the Vessel, Part Two: Daughters of Thine Lesser Evil, Suzerain of the Beast, Robert Storey, Kindle, Kobo, iTunes, createspace, #rcsjr, rcsjr