Daughters of Thine Lesser Evil

Daughters of Thine Lesser EvilFinding herself transported to a strange land, can she still discover the meaning behind the riddle instructing her to find a way to harness the power from mingling the light and dark hearts of magic?

Princess Angelterra, and her knight and trusted friend, Jeela, find themselves being hunted as prizes by several nefarious groups in a far away land. With the help of an attractive rogue wizard, his young companion, and a local elder monk, she sets off on a treacherous journey to find a way to return to her homeland…and her people. Soon, she and her companions stumble into the clutches of a formidable commander of the high sorcerer, Shutharja, in a horrible place devoid of all life called the Devil’s Forest. Little did she know that this terrible encounter was to play a vital role in helping her solve the riddle revealed to her in the prophetic Vision Dream.



Want to know more?

Daughters of Thine Lesser Evil, the second installment of the Vision Dream Series also follows the exploits of several groups of allies located in several separate parts of this world as they all attempt to do their part in pushing back against the evil Shutharja…including:

Budding Love, Ancient Power: The struggles of two awkward, preteen wizards to learn a way to unleash the true power of an ancient spell by somehow tapping into their budding love for one another…

 A Sailor’s Deadly Course: Angelterra’s former childhood love must sail his tiny three-ship armada directly into the heart of the enemy’s massive fleet on a suicide mission to destroy the world’s most unholy relic…

Decoys Against Death: Three young friends find themselves assigned to a diversionary force on a covert mission deep behind enemy lines. As each of them endeavors to fulfill a vital role to help save the world, they must also struggle just to stay alive in the deadly mayhem of battle…

Betrayal, Jail, And Love: on a mission to gain reinforcements from a neighboring kingdom, a young army captain is imprisoned after uncovering a traitorous plot to deliver the kingdom of Palzintine to their enemy. He must rely on a haunting, deformed girl with lovely green eyes—and a surprising secret—to help him try to escape and find a way to thwart the plan of this once-trusted traitor…

Unexpected Affection, Dangerous Task: An expert archer becomes entranced by a woman from a culture he once despised, but soon, he must leave her to undertake a dangerous, clandestine mission taking him into the midst of an enemy-controlled territory which may cost him his life…

Amidst the battles and betrayals of this book and the entire series, the intertwined struggles of each minor character converge with Angelterra’s, crafting a narrative of resilience, sacrifice, and the unyielding pursuit of hope in a world besieged by darkness.

Daughters of Thine Lesser Evil - creature

Part Two of the Vision Dream Series by Robert Clifton Storey Jr.

Fantasy, epic, dragons, wizards, sorcerer, sorceress, princess, knight, flight, vessel, evil, medieval, dark ages, lord, robert clifton Storey jr, Part One: Flight of the Vessel, Part Two: Daughters of Thine Lesser Evil, Suzerain of the Beast, Robert Storey, Kindle, Kobo, iTunes, createspace, #rcsjr, rcsjr